I don't know about you, but for me (what I do when I'm having a craving)...:
Brush my teeth - Um, well, sometimes it helps, but usually I do it after binge...
Shower - I take a shower twice a day anyway, so my mother would look me weird. But hot shower works for me, I get tired and I only want to have a tea and go to bed.
To-Do lists - my favorites. I like to plan everything. And at the end of the day I check the things I got done. Sometimes I do like "I wont eat before I've done this". Usually it ends that everything is done and I've binged (to "premium" myself).
Ten good reasons to be thin - I did it once. It helped once.
Make my own thinspiration book - yeah, I did that too. I should look it more often. This blog helps more.
Stepping on the scale before eating - This helps me. A lot. When I'm thinking like 'oh lets have a cookie' then I run into my room and weight myself, and when I see this stupid number 7 in front of my scale number then I don't even want that damned cookie.
Looking at people/thin girls around me - Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I get depressed ('I will never look like this...'), sometimes inspired ('I will look like this if I put down this chocolate').
Cigarettes - unhealthy, I know. But they took away my hunger.
I step on the scale before eating too!
Thinking of cute clothing that you desperatly want to look good in.
Thinking of the skinny bitches that made fun of you is defiantly enough to make you put the cookie down and not eat for the rest of the day!
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