Sunday, June 6, 2010

fatty's back

Hey pretty girls, 
I just ate an ice-cream, and for punishment I have to look tons of thinspo pictures. I will never look like those girls, because I can't keep my hands off of the damn ice-cream. It doesn't even taste so good. 
Once again... whyyy I do this to myself? I already ate a healthy breakfast, I don't need more.
Ugh, hello there fat pig in the mirror :) 

Faith is getting better, so it's time for me to worry more about myself and summer!

Tatiana! Hi, you seem to be a very cute person! Do you have a blog (here in Blogger)? 
Thank you for commenting :) and I'm always interested in ANY tips, sometimes they help a lot. 

I wish I would be a thinspiration girl one day!


if life gives you lemons, don't eat them said...

We will both be thinspiration! It's great that your friend is awoke from the coma!

Raw r Inside said...
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Unknown said...

hey sorry for the laate reply, was traveling (summer, whooo) and hm yea i started this one blog but i've been lazy, might continue soon
aw you answerd on a post (: hey so how long ago did you start thinking about all this stuff?