Tuesday, May 4, 2010

School was soooo boring today. So I read a book. A book about rich, high-class, beautiful young people. (You have heard this so many times... I want to be like them). Anyway, when I was sitting in my maths class, stomach grumbling, drinking my diet cola, and reading, I felt like I belong there. In that book. I belong in USA's high school. It wold be totally me - shopping every weekend, having lunch in school with my friends, going to parties and stuff... But this is real life. I'm not rich. I live in Europe. We don't even have cheerleaders, haha. 
Okay, I love Europe, but USA is so... I don't know. Europe is the 'old world'. I love the fashion and the food here, and it's my home, but goosh.., how to explain what I feel... :/

Anyway, today's been good, I've eaten... um, I had about five mouthfuls of yogurt and two cups of coffee. So. Yeah. That's good.
Hope you are having a good day.


Minime said...

haha so know what you mean.. One day im like ok i want to be that petit french girl and the next day im like ok bring on popular cheerleader. Gosh That sounded really stoopid.
Your intake amazes me you've inspired my new tomorrow xx

Ninah said...

where in europe is your home? i'd like to know that! well done with the food love ;)

Unbreakable Me said...

Are you in high school or college? All I can say is school in the US is not as glamorous as those books! I used to read Gossip Girl and A-list and always wished my life was like that. The school cheerleaders weren't that cool. I was in the so-called "popular group" but we were all athletes, wore sweats to school, played sports, got sweaty... Ya we shopped every once in a while but none of us were ridiculously rich or anything... Gotta love those books for making EVERYONE ELSE's lives look so much more glamorous than ours lol.